How to Upload Jvc Everio to Youtube


The JVC Everio GZ-MS100 camcorder records DVD-quality video to SD and SDHC cards and features straight uploading to YouTube. It'southward priced at around $350, which places it in between lower-stop hobbyist camcorders and higher-capacity hard drive camcorders.

Features and Specifications

  • Compact Slim Blueprint
  • One Touch Upload to YouTube™ on the internet
  • Konica Minolta 35x optical Lens and 800x digital
  • Records directly to a SD / SDHC memory card (card non included)
  • 1 hr recording at the highest quality (Ultra-DVD Picture) with a 4GB SDHC retentivity carte.
  • 1/6-inch 680K pixel CCD
  • Gigabrid Engine
  • ii.vii-inch 16:9 widescreen LCD


The camera'due south relatively small size makes it easy to take just about anywhere. Information technology's similar in size to cheaper camcorders (such as the DXG-566V, reviewed here) only packs far better features – the 35x optical zoom being the most welcome addition. The left-paw side of the LCD has a cool navigation strip used to jump around the various menus. Information technology'due south a nice touch, but don't purchase the camera just for the navigation strip.


Video quality, also, far surpasses that of most other entry-level camcorders. That shouldn't exist a surprise, though, as the Everio costs about $150 to $200 more than. Shooting in depression-low-cal produced pretty decent footage besides, which is hard to find with less expensive cameras. You lot can find two recent videos I've done here and hither.

I'g happy to study that battery life is excellent. I permit the photographic camera sit and record for well over two hours earlier finally noticing that the battery had died. I'1000 used to most an hour'due south worth out of cheaper camcorders or camcorders that tape to tape, and so the two-plus hours I got out of this little guy was a prissy surprise.

Finally, being able to record on SD and SDHC cards made getting the video onto diverse unlike computers a snap. No complaints at that place. What you're able to actually do with those video files is some other story, though.


For some reason, JVC insists on using a proprietary MPEG-ii video format consisting of .MOD files. It apparently has something to do with licensing and supposedly you can simply rename the .Modernistic files to .MPG and you'll be able to edit them hands, merely this is the 3rd camcorder in the Everio line that I've used and they've all required me to completely re-encode the files before editing. I employ Sony Vegas for video editing and if I rename the files to .MPG, I can open them in Vegas as video files without any sound. To go the whole clip, I have to rename them to .MPG and so re-encode them to the actual MPEG-2 standard (more than details in the "Conclusion" section below).

The main selling indicate of this camera, though, is to be able to easily upload videos direct to YouTube so editing clips isn't really a big area of focus. As such, at that place's a special "Upload Record" setting on the camera that limits recorded clips to 10 minutes each in lodge to keep them within of YouTube'due south maximum prune length.

Unfortunately, the "CyberLink PowerCinema NE for Everio" software is implemented really poorly. People who have been using camcorders for long enough should have grown to accept that the arranged software is gonna stink and brand other arrangements, simply this camera relies on the software for the direct uploading to YouTube. I was never able to actually get anything successfully uploaded and trying to find the YouTube feature after the camera's already been connected to your calculator is tough considering information technology's cached somewhere in the "Avant-garde" card of the software.


I somewhen found my manner back to the YouTube characteristic, merely I can't imagine a novice existence able to get anything uploaded correctly on the starting time attempt. Also, the whole "One Impact Upload" claim by JVC is manner, style off. At that place are multiple touches. Outset, you lot connect the camcorder to the computer, so you lot cull "Upload" from the photographic camera'due south menu, then you lot click the checkbox adjacent to the video you want to upload, then yous select a YouTube category for your video, then you agree to YouTube's terms and conditions (each fourth dimension), and finally you click the upload push. That's one hell of a unmarried click if JVC'south able to pull that off. I gotta run across this mouse they're using.


Okay, here's the thing. I'm going to give the YouTube upload feature the benefit of the doubt that it works correctly and my "file format is not supported or the file is corrupted" message either has something to do with the 4GB SD card that JVC sent me or that it's Windows Vista interim similar an idiot — each time I put the SD carte directly into my carte du jour reader, I get a message that the card needs to be scanned and fixed. I can't scan information technology when the bill of fare's in utilise, though, and so I'm asked if I want to schedule a scan to run subsequently and OH MY GOD, VISTA Get out ME Solitary. This happens with other cards, likewise, so allow'southward assume that it's not a JVC issue.

This camera would be great for…drumroll please…people who are somewhat technically inclined, don't demand to edit their videos, and want to get them uploaded as apace as possible. My beau technology bloggers come to mind. I can moving picture myself using this at an event to tape a keynote address and and then zipping information technology up to YouTube immediately so that I tin can become information technology upward on CrunchGear as in curt order.

Unfortunately, the tech blogger sector's probably not going to be a big enough market for JVC. But the relatively cumbersome YouTube feature will exit neophytes in the dark while the every bit cumbersome editing process (you lot have to re-encode all your files just to get them to work with most video editing software) will exit people who want to edit their videos with their own software wondering why they take to bound through so many hoops when it should be a uncomplicated process: take the SD card out of the camera and into the computer, open files in the video editor.

Instead it's: have the SD card out of the camera and into the figurer, rename all the files from .Modernistic to .MPG, dump all of the renamed video files into SUPER, re-render them all as bodily .MPG files, open files in the video editor.

If you're patient, though, and you lot want a decent, affordable camera that takes pretty good-looking video, has a much-needed 35x optical zoom, and has great battery life, this camcorder might be a good fit for y'all.

JVC Everio GZ-MS100 []


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