Joseph Russo the Art and Science of Student Aid Administration in the 21st Century
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Play-Based Physics Learning in Kindergarten
This commodity highlights the importance of play as a learning approach in early physics pedagogy. It demonstrates the concept of an innovative didactic method that combines children'southward gratuitous play with physics learning in kindergarten. This play-based learning approach enables children to experience and [...] Read more.
This article highlights the importance of play equally a learning arroyo in early on physics didactics. It demonstrates the concept of an innovative didactic method that combines children'due south free play with physics learning in kindergarten. This play-based learning approach enables children to experience and recognize physical laws in a self-directed, activeness-oriented, and playful manner. The commodity provides concrete insights into how kindergarten teachers tin can stimulate physics-related learning moments, starting from free-play situations. Moreover, information technology points out the teacher's crucial role in creating suitable play environments, providing feedback in play, and facilitating shared thinking after play. The article is based on the didactic development projection "je-desto", which aims to promote play-based science learning in kindergarten by familiarizing kindergarten teachers with this promising didactic approach. Accordingly, this article provides kindergarten teachers and experts in discipline didactics an answer to what play-based physics learning tin look in practice. Full article
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Open up Access Article
Practice Radishes and Carrots Grow in a Bunch? Students' Knowledge about the Growth of Food Plants and Their Ideas of a Schoolhouse Garden Design
School gardens tin can be places of biodiversity and suitable learning environments for Educational activity for Sustainable Development (ESD). In particular, vegetable patches where students can make their own experiences in food growing are very apt to connect local acting and global thinking, which is [...] Read more than.
School gardens can be places of biodiversity and suitable learning environments for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). In detail, vegetable patches where students can brand their own experiences in food growing are very apt to connect local acting and global thinking, which is one of the main concerns of ESD. Working in a school garden could be a chance to overcome the lack of perception and noesis about plants and their life cycles, which is described every bit "plant blindness". Concerning the impact of schoolhouse gardening, studies frequently investigate teachers' perspectives only. Therefore, in our report, we focused on students. Participants were mainly fifth and sixth graders in middle and grammer school (mean historic period 12.3 years, n = 2107). With a paper-pencil exam, we investigated their knowledge nearly the growth of 10 selected crop plants and asked them to rate school garden pattern elements referring to their importance and suitability for taking over responsibility for nature. In addition, we asked for character traits necessary for a successful school gardener. The results showed that about xl% of the students are convinced that carrots and radishes abound in bunches underground, and near l% thought kohlrabi is growing underground besides. Girls performed better than boys. Increasing historic period and experience in gardening had a positive issue on the answers. In the students' opinion, fruit copse, birdhouses, and vegetable patches are the most important elements in school gardens. The liking of nature and patience were highly scored skills for successful school gardening. The influence of experiences in gardening on the answers showed the of import role that school gardening could play to gain hands-on knowledge most plant growth and thus offering quality teaching for every student. This would not merely contribute to the reduction of establish blindness but answer the requests of ESD and the goals postulated in the Agenda 2030. Total commodity
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Open Access Article
Self-Concept, Prosocial Schoolhouse Behaviors, Well-Being, and Academic Skills in Elementary Schoolhouse Students: A Whole-Child Perspective
Whole-child evolution focuses on supporting not only academic but also social emotional skills. This cross-exclusive study's aim was to examine the associations betwixt the child-rated self-concept and well-being, teacher-rated prosocial schoolhouse behaviors, and academic skills (equally measured past child functioning tasks) and to [...] Read more than.
Whole-child development focuses on supporting not only academic only also social emotional skills. This cantankerous-sectional study's aim was to examine the associations between the child-rated self-concept and well-being, teacher-rated prosocial school behaviors, and bookish skills (as measured past child performance tasks) and to examine if there were grouping differences past gender for these constructs. The sample was 143 due south grade students (Chiliad age = eight years old). The results indicate that self-concept correlated highly with well-being and moderately with prosocial behaviors, while academic skills correlated moderately with prosocial behaviors. The results likewise evidence that the boys had lower boilerplate prosocial beliefs (teacher-rated) and cocky-concept (child-rated) ratings relative to the girls. The findings indicate that prosocial beliefs, well-being, and self-concept can be measured in psychometrically audio and practically meaningful ways in Swedish elementary schools. Because many of the socioemotional and behavioral constructs were correlated with academic skills, these constructs could be important targets for early on bookish support interventions inspired by a whole-kid arroyo. Full article
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Open Access Article
Exploring (Collaborative) Generation and Exploitation of Multiple Choice Questions: Likes as Quality Proxy Metric
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are an established medium of formal educational contexts. The collaborative generation of MCQs by students follows the perspectives of constructionist and situated learning and is an activity that fosters learning processes. The MCQs generated are—also the learning processes—further outcomes [...] Read more than.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are an established medium of formal educational contexts. The collaborative generation of MCQs by students follows the perspectives of constructionist and situated learning and is an action that fosters learning processes. The MCQs generated are—besides the learning processes—further outcomes of collaborative generation processes. Quality MCQs are a valuable resource, so that collaboratively generated quality MCQs might also be exploited in further educational scenarios. However, the quality MCQs showtime demand to be identified from the corpus of all generated MCQs. This article investigates whether Likes distributed by students when answering MCQs are feasible as a metric for identifying quality MCQs. Additionally, this study explores whether the process of collaboratively generating MCQs and using the quality MCQs generated in commercial quiz apps is achievable without additional extrinsic motivators. Accordingly, this article describes the results of a ii-stage field report. The first stage investigates whether quality MCQs may be identified through collaborative inputs. For this purpose, the Reading Game (RG), a gamified, web-based software aiming at collaborative MCQ generation, is employed every bit a semester-accompanying learning activity in a bachelor course in Urban H2o Management. The reliability of a proxy metric for quality calculated from the ratio of Likes received and appearances in quizzes is compared to the quality estimations of domain experts for selected MCQs. The option comprised the ten all-time and the x worst rated MCQs. Each of the MCQs is rated regarding five dimensions. The results back up the assumption that the RG-given quality metric allows identification of well-designed MCQs. In the second stage, MCQs created by RG are provided in a commercial quiz app (QuizUp) in a voluntary educational scenario. Despite the prevailing force per unit area to acquire, neither the motivational effects of RG nor of the app are found in this study to be sufficient for encouraging students to voluntarily use them on a regular basis. Besides confirming that quality MCQs may be generated past collaborative software, it is to be stated that in the collaborative generation of MCQs, Likes may serve every bit a proxy metric for the quality of the MCQs generated. Full commodity
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Open Access Article
Education for Sustainable Development: How Seminar Design and Fourth dimension Structure of Teacher Professional Development Touch on Students' Motivation and Creativity
Teachers need to adapt teaching styles to the goals of modern educational activity. The Starwalker projection has adult an approach for strengthening students' self-efficacy and has provided professional person evolution (PD) to teachers. The present study measured the effectiveness of PD indirectly by changes in [...] Read more.
Teachers need to conform teaching styles to the goals of mod instruction. The Starwalker project has developed an approach for strengthening students' self-efficacy and has provided professional person development (PD) to teachers. The present study measured the effectiveness of PD indirectly by changes in students' motivation and creativity every bit indicators. Two PD designs with the same time upkeep were examined: (1) a traditional lecture with a unmarried feedback session; (2) repeated supervision sessions. Students completed questionnaires on school motivation, self-reported creativity and personality measures at the beginning and finish of the school yr. Four classes each were selected for both treatments and a control group (North = 281; Mean-Age = 10.82). At baseline, with no deviation, the second PD design showed a significant increase in motivation and creativity, while the first PD design showed no differences compared to the control group. Spearman's correlations of personality with motivation and creativity confirmed the presumed role of Conjuration and Conscientiousness, while Grade Motivation and Flow were independent of personality. Structural equation modelling (SEM) confirmed the importance of creativity for motivation. The report proves that PD can be evaluated indirectly through its effects on students and confirms the Starwalker approach. Frequent brief interventions are recommended for attitude change. Full article
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Open up Access Article
Reflecting Culturally Responsive and Communicative Didactics (CRCT) through Partnership Commitment
The strategic approach to enhance cultural skills is aligned with social feeling and sense of belonging every bit an important chemical element to underlie the interaction pathway with others' diverse backgrounds. Such an arroyo of teaching model could exist transformed and prepared to encourage ability [...] Read more.
The strategic approach to enhance cultural skills is aligned with social feeling and sense of belonging equally an of import element to underlie the interaction pathway with others' diverse backgrounds. Such an approach of didactics model could be transformed and prepared to encourage power to communicate and relate to others from diverse backgrounds. The following phase of sufficient integration amongst cognitive, social and emotional substance is reverberate in the culturally responsive and communicative teaching (CRCT). This mode is an important chemical element to advance the diverse students amidst an increasingly complex and pluralistic society. This paper is aimed at examining CRCT by having a critical look into the partnership commitment amongst interracial teachers' daily school interaction. Data collection was conducted with ten interracial teachers with a focus on the approach of how their partnership commitment is reflected and practiced in their daily schoolhouse interaction. Thematic analysis was employed to obtain the main points of data to requite insight into the multicultural school lodge. The findings reveal that an understanding of CRCT articulated into partnership engagement commitment has a core of three master points. These are: expanding self-awareness on cultural identity; enhancing culturally mediated emotion of social situations; and developing instructional do for cultural sensitivity. The implication for students' experiential learning in the multicultural classroom was as well discussed. The contribution of this newspaper can be exerted among those involved in the teaching sectors. These include students, educators, principals, learning facilitators, researchers, educational technologist, instructional designers and practitioners. This is also included amidst the researchers who are interested in exploring, understanding and developing discerning perspectives on variety and various learners in 21st century education. This report is expected to contribute by giving solving skills with the strategic approach articulated into a particular guideline to give a articulate understanding in responding the multicultural classroom in the interracial school society context. This study is considered to elaborate the good feedback on the importance of CRCT in responding to emerging trends on the facades of diversity among diverse learners. Total commodity
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Open Access Article
STEM and HASS Disciplines in Architectural Education: Readiness of FAD-STU Bachelor Students for Practice
Since the beginning of this century, STEM education has get increasingly of import in preserving prosperity and economic competitiveness. Architecture has its ain specific attributes. Information technology overarches the Stalk and HASS disciplines, and it should be perceived as a cultural phenomenon rather than as [...] Read more than.
Since the beginning of this century, STEM education has go increasingly important in preserving prosperity and economic competitiveness. Architecture has its ain specific attributes. Information technology overarches the Stalk and HASS disciplines, and information technology should be perceived as a cultural miracle rather than every bit a subject field. The main objective of this article is to highlight the methodology based on the statistical method evaluating the correlation rate betwixt the Available's student performance (SP) in design studio courses and STEM and HASS categories, represented by particular subjects of various areas of study. The relationship betwixt the admission examination process and the academic functioning of graduates in the Pattern category was also analyzed. Although the level of knowledge and skills required based on the report results inside the curricula was more than significant in the HASS category, the direct correlation betwixt subjects in the Stalk category, especially engineering science, and the quality of the design studio′s outputs as the primary and fundamental part of the artistic architectural work, was besides confirmed. The authors of the commodity found that STEM knowledge and STEM skills do not achieve the required level and, therefore, the emphasis should be placed on irresolute curricula, balancing the ratio of Stalk and HASS categories, adjusting the credits assigned to Stalk subjects, or reviewing the classification organisation. Full commodity
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Open Access Article
Do Resident Archetypes Influence the Functioning of Programs of Assessment?
While most case studies consider how programs of assessment may influence residents' achievement, we engaged in a qualitative, multiple instance study to model how resident appointment and operation can reciprocally influence the program of assessment. We conducted virtual focus groups with plan leaders [...] Read more.
While most example studies consider how programs of cess may influence residents' achievement, we engaged in a qualitative, multiple instance study to model how resident engagement and functioning can reciprocally influence the program of assessment. Nosotros conducted virtual focus groups with program leaders from four residency training programs from different disciplines (internal medicine, emergency medicine, neurology, and rheumatology) and institutions. We facilitated discussion with alive screen-sharing to (ane) improve upon a previously-derived model of programmatic cess and (2) explore how unlike resident archetypes (sample profiles) may influence their program of assessment. Participants agreed that differences in resident engagement and performance can influence their programs of cess in some (mal)adaptive ways. For residents who are disengaged and weakly performing (of which there are a few), significantly more time is spent to make sense of problematic show, make it at a decision, and generate recommendations. Whereas for residents who are engaged and performing strongly (the vast bulk), significantly less effort is thought to be spent on give-and-take and formalized recommendations. These findings motivate united states to fulfill the potential of programmatic assessment by more intentionally and strategically challenging those who are engaged and strongly performing, and past anticipating ways that weakly performing residents may strain existing processes. Full article
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Open Access Article
The Affect and Evaluation of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Teaching of Biological science from the Perspective of Slovak School Teachers
The closing of schools due to COVID-19 was a critical incident that should have acquired a rethinking of education in our country. Among the many changes that this crisis has brought, one is fully remote teaching. Our enquiry focuses on a comparing of [...] Read more.
The closing of schools due to COVID-19 was a disquisitional incident that should accept caused a rethinking of instruction in our land. Among the many changes that this crisis has brought, one is fully remote teaching. Our research focuses on a comparison of the changes between on-site and remote forms of biology teaching, the opinions and feelings of teaching staff beyond all the institutional levels, and their opinions regarding the usage of online didactics tools in the futurity. The research shows that teachers have used both fourth dimension-tested teaching aids and modern technology to generate an environment that would be equally close to on-site teaching equally possible. Similarly, the teachers with longer teaching experience had felt a greater degree of stress during the remote education period. Teachers of primary and tertiary schools hold that they can imagine having a combined class of teaching in the future but that the practical classes of biology must exist completed on-site. On the other hand, well-nigh secondary school teachers want to preserve just the on-site form of teaching. Our report provides information on the current land of coping with the pandemic situation in Slovakia from teachers' perspectives. Full article
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Open Access Article
The Cultural Element in the Adaptation of a Test: Proposals and Reflections on Internal and External Influences
In the framework of instrumental research, the adaptation of tests has been increasing. The aim of this paper is to explain the procedures followed for the adaptation of a test with a construct of a cultural nature to another context, reflecting on the [...] Read more.
In the framework of instrumental research, the adaptation of tests has been increasing. The aim of this paper is to explain the procedures followed for the adaptation of a test with a construct of a cultural nature to another context, reflecting on the difficulties and limitations related to its equivalence and validity. For this purpose, we start from the Test on the Construction of Historical Knowledge, originally designed for a Spanish context and targeted at elementary schoolhouse students, in club to pattern and validate its Portuguese version. The process of "emic-etic" adaptation, in which the technical, semantic, conceptual, and metric equivalence of a test is sought, was carried out through group translation with post-translation empirical processes (adept judgement, a pilot study, and external criteria). It highlighted some issues closely linked to internal and external cultural factors. On one manus was the predominance of belittling-rational processes in the adaptation procedure, with an essential deep reflection on the construct and the meanings intimately linked to the context. On the other hand, were the difficulties of empirical procedures due to the qualitative nature of the construct. This led u.s.a. to reflect on the possibility of minimizing the "emic" aspects in eminently cultural constructs without renouncing reliable and valid results with respect to the construct. Full commodity
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Open Access Article
Exploration of Relationships betwixt Students' Scientific discipline Identities and Achievement Emotions in Physics
Many studies have found relationships betwixt students' accomplishment emotions and their operation also equally between students' scientific discipline identities and their performance. Notwithstanding, petty is known about how students' achievement emotions are related to their scientific discipline identities. This report explored the relationship betwixt [...] Read more than.
Many studies accept constitute relationships between students' achievement emotions and their performance as well every bit betwixt students' science identities and their performance. Nevertheless, little is known virtually how students' achievement emotions are related to their science identities. This report explored the relationship betwixt achievement emotions and science identities in an inquiry-based physics form. In order to do so, we adapted the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Mathematics by replacing all references to mathematics with physics and selected items from the Persistence Research in Science and Engineering (PRiSE) survey. The adjusted instruments were implemented with students in an inquiry-based physics form. The results showed that, overall, students' self-perceptions as scientific discipline persons were depression, especially equally chemistry or physics persons. Students also had negative emotions overall nearly physics. The results showed that students' anxiety levels were significantly increased in a examination-related state of affairs compared to course-related and learning-related situations. In terms of the relationships between their science identity and their achievement emotions, students' self-identification and their perceptions almost their parents/relatives/friends' views almost them every bit physics persons were significantly related to their achievement emotions in physics. We as well plant that tests triggered bang-up anxiety for students regardless of their pride in and enjoyment of physics. Full commodity
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Open Access Article
Development of the Perception of Accomplishment of Circuitous Thinking: A Disciplinary Approach in a Latin American Student Population
This paper aims to identify whether there are statistically significant differences in the level of perceived achievement of circuitous thinking competence in a population of Latin American students from different disciplines. The intention is to corroborate or question the bookish literature that categorizes [...] Read more.
This paper aims to identify whether there are statistically significant differences in the level of perceived achievement of complex thinking competence in a population of Latin American students from different disciplines. The intention is to approve or question the bookish literature that categorizes sure types of thinking (systemic, scientific, and critical) as feature elements of some disciplines. Methodologically, the validated eComplexity musical instrument was practical to a sample of 370 undergraduate students from a Mexican university. The results showed that the highest means for systems thinking can be institute in the disciplines of Engineering, Business, and Humanities, while the highest ways for critical thinking can be found amongst architecture students. All the same, statistically, the results showed no significant differences upon an overall comparison of all disciplines. In conclusion, the findings of this report prove to be valuable for educational institutions seeking to develop complex thinking in their students, demonstrating that the disciplinary surface area is non a limiting factor in developing a perception of achievement in a particular competence and its sub-competences. Total article
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Open Access Article
Engineering Student Experiences of Group Work
Soft skills are a crucial component for success in today'south workplace every bit employers increasingly value work that is collaborative and encompasses diverse perspectives. Despite this, nearly engineering science programs neglect to explicitly teach students transferable skills, including the best practices of group work. This [...] Read more.
Soft skills are a crucial component for success in today'south workplace every bit employers increasingly value work that is collaborative and encompasses various perspectives. Despite this, nearly technology programs fail to explicitly teach students transferable skills, including the all-time practices of group work. This research sought to explore how undergraduate experiences of grouping piece of work alter over time. This research besides investigated what reflecting on cooperative education (co-op) experiences tells us well-nigh education grouping work in academic settings. Despite frequently noting the influence of grouping work in developing their advice skills and brainstorming ideas over fourth dimension, students become somewhat more frustrated over fourth dimension with their experiences of group work, mainly due to conflicting personalities and ideas among team members and/or a "slacker" pupil. However, our findings likewise show that students go more confident working in teams over time, as upper-year students were more likely to assume a leadership role and self-reported higher by operation as a group member. This study offers insights into the changing grouping work experiences of undergraduate technology students equally they progress through coursework and engage in experiential learning and work-integrated learning opportunities, such as co-op placements. The findings of this study can inform educators on how to all-time incorporate methods for educational activity transferable soft skills. Full article
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Open Access Review
A Weight and Meta-Analysis on the Academic Achievement of Loftier School Students
Agreement the determinants of academic achievement (AA) is crucial for almost every stakeholder interested in personal development and individual and societal wellbeing. Extensive research in several areas, such as instruction, economic science, or psychology, has addressed this topic, identifying a vast number of determinants [...] Read more than.
Agreement the determinants of academic achievement (AA) is crucial for virtually every stakeholder interested in personal development and individual and societal wellbeing. Extensive research in several areas, such equally education, economics, or psychology, has addressed this topic, identifying a vast number of determinants that impact loftier school students' AA. In this piece of work, we perform a meta-analysis, including a weight analysis of 49 quantitative studies that investigate this topic, exploring the all-time predictors of high school students' bookish success. Nosotros as well explore moderation effects. Our results show that academic self-efficacy and socioeconomic condition are the best predictors of AA, and they are statistically pregnant. Other statistically significant predictors, albeit less common in the analyses, are mastery abstention, motivation, sleep habits, and work abstention. Implications for theory and do and directions for future enquiry are discussed. Full commodity
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Open Admission Article
Tales of Doctoral Students: Motivations and Expectations on the Route to the Unknown
This paper provides a reflection on the way changes taking identify in doctoral instruction are existence perceived and internalized by doctoral students. The Doctoral perceptions are analyzed through Ph.D. candidates' motivations to enroll in the program and to their levels of satisfaction with [...] Read more.
This paper provides a reflection on the way changes taking place in doctoral pedagogy are being perceived and internalized by doctoral students. The Doctoral perceptions are analyzed through Ph.D. candidates' motivations to enroll in the programme and to their levels of satisfaction with the supervision experience. Comparisons betwixt national and international students, too as differences according to doctoral programs' scientific areas, i.e., between students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and in Social Sciences, Languages and Humanities (SSLH) are established. Based on a case written report developed in a Portuguese academy, conclusions bespeak to the dominance of a romanticized, traditional view of doctoral educational activity, with the academic profession at its cadre. This view is mostly shared by international students and those from SSLH scientific areas. In turn, national Ph.D. candidates and those from Stalk areas have incorporated a more instrumental view of doctoral teaching, aiming for training participants to professions outside academia. Full article
Open Access Article
The Relationship between Professional person Environmental Factors and Teacher Professional Development in Israeli Schools
(i) Background: This paper examines the elements essential to constructive teacher professional development (TPD) and the human relationship between various professional environmental factors (professional person learning customs perceptions, self-efficacy, professional identity, principal's transformation leadership patterns), TDP in primary instruction schools, and TDP prediction. (2) Methods: [...] Read more.
(1) Background: This newspaper examines the elements essential to effective teacher professional person evolution (TPD) and the relationship between diverse professional environmental factors (professional learning community perceptions, self-efficacy, professional identity, principal'due south transformation leadership patterns), TDP in primary education schools, and TDP prediction. (2) Methods: Data were nerveless during the 2020 school twelvemonth from 412 teachers in primary instruction schools in five Israeli districts. The professional person learning customs, self-efficacy, professional identity, transformation leadership patterns, and TPD scales were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, Pearson moment-production correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used for data assay. (3) Results: Overall, participants' TPD was high (4.12 ± 0.83). Statistically significant correlations were observed between TPD and 4 independent variables (0.41–0.64; p < 0.0001). No meaning associations were seen betwixt TPD and work-related characteristics. TPD differences were observed in participants with different educational levels (F = 4.63; p = 0.003). Higher TPD levels were predicted past perceptions of the principal's transformation leadership patterns, self-efficacy, the professional learning customs, and education (F-ratio = 57.85; adjusted Rii = 0.50; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The nowadays study attests to the importance of the school principal'south leadership patterns for TPD, alongside the contribution of self-efficacy, professional learning community, and professional identity. Total article
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Open up Access Article
Analysis of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Knowledge of Cuban Teachers in Primary Schools and Preschools
Teachers' cognition of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) plays a central function in the successful inclusion of children with ASD in regular schools. The objective of this study was to analyze Cuban teachers' knowledge of ASD of at inclusive principal schools and preschools and [...] Read more.
Teachers' knowledge of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) plays a central function in the successful inclusion of children with ASD in regular schools. The objective of this study was to analyze Cuban teachers' cognition of ASD of at inclusive primary schools and preschools and to compare information technology with the results obtained in previous studies carried out at an international level. To do this, a cross-exclusive report was conducted with Cuban teachers from urban and rural areas throughout the country. The sample was selected using a not-probabilistic technique. In total, 131 primary school and preschool teachers participated. Data were collected by applying the Autism Cognition Questionnaire (AKQ) that measures ASD knowledge. The results indicated that Cuban teachers had an acceptable knowledge regarding ASD (0.57). Main education teachers (17.58 ± 4.06) showed a higher level of knowledge than preschool teachers (xv.35 ± 2.74). Regarding previous preparation, teachers who claimed to have received some type of specific ASD training (10.88 ± 3.29) made a greater number of errors than teachers who had not received specific training on ASD (8.91 ± 3.06). At the international level, Cuban teachers were observed to have like noesis about ASD when compared to active teachers or pre-service teachers from other countries where similar studies have been carried out. The results suggest that the training of Cuban teachers is not yet optimal to educate students with ASD in primary schools and preschools which are open up to diverseness. Total article
Open Access Article
Attitudes, Behavior and Relations in the Early School Years
In the early school years, the accent is more and more on cognitive output factors. Non-cognitive development is receiving less attention than before, though such factors are important determinants of academic success. This study aims at answering two questions: (ane) How practise young [...] Read more than.
In the early on school years, the emphasis is more and more than on cognitive output factors. Non-cerebral development is receiving less attention than before, though such factors are important determinants of academic success. This study aims at answering two questions: (1) How do young children perform on a number of non-cognitive characteristics, more than specifically, attitudes, beliefs, and relationships? (2) Are there any differences with regard to those characteristics according to the pupils' social and ethnic/immigrant background? To answer the questions, data from the Dutch large-scale cohort report COOL5-18 were analyzed. The main sample included about 6500 course two pupils (six-year-olds). Teachers answered questions about their pupils' attitudes, beliefs, and relationships. 1- and 2-style analyses of variance were employed, and event sizes were computed. The results showed that the teachers rated their pupil's work attitude as lower than their beliefs and popularity. They were more positive regarding their human relationship with the pupils. More than important was that there were differences according to the pupils' social and indigenous/immigrant backgrounds: ethnic minority/immigrant pupils scored less positive on all not-cognitive characteristics than native Dutch pupils, and the higher the parental educational level, the more than favorable their children performed on the not-cognitive characteristics. These findings are discussed and possible solutions are presented. Full article
Open Admission Commodity
Exploring Relationships between Professional person Evolution and Teachers' Enactments of Project-Based Learning
This newspaper examines whether teachers' prior professional development (PD) in Projection-Based Learning (PBL) significantly related to teachers' enactments of PBL practices within the classroom. Teachers (Northward = 40) were recruited based on their commitment to enacting PBL in their classrooms. Teachers were surveyed [...] Read more.
This paper examines whether teachers' prior professional development (PD) in Projection-Based Learning (PBL) significantly related to teachers' enactments of PBL practices within the classroom. Teachers (N = 40) were recruited based on their commitment to enacting PBL in their classrooms. Teachers were surveyed regarding the extent to which they had experienced prior PD in PBL and asked to submit 2 videos of their classroom pedagogy. Videos were coded according to teachers' quality enactment of PBL practices during instruction. Results propose that teachers who had prior PD in PBL enacted more construction-driven PBL practices (e.g., setting up and managing projects) and incorporated more collaboration practices. Yet, for other purpose-driven practices of PBL (e.m., supporting educatee choice, supporting students to make personal connections), teachers with prior PD were no different from teachers without prior PD. The results suggest that teachers may demand more than intensive and fine-grained, practise-based PD in purpose-driven PBL practices. Full article
Open Access Article
Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Serious Game for School Burn down Preparedness Training
Immersive virtual reality (VR) is a engineering science that can be effective for procedural skills preparation through game-based simulations such equally serious games. The current study describes the instructional design, development, and evaluation of the FSCHOOL fire preparedness serious game in a cavern automatic [...] Read more.
Immersive virtual reality (VR) is a engineering science that tin can be constructive for procedural skills preparation through game-based simulations such as serious games. The electric current study describes the instructional design, development, and evaluation of the FSCHOOL burn preparedness serious game in a cave automatic virtual environs (Cavern-VR) for uncomplicated school teachers. The main game mechanics include a storytelling scenario, enhanced realism, freedom of movement, levels, and points corresponding to the learning mechanics of instruction, activeness, simulation, discovery, repetition, and faux. The game was adult in Unity 3D with the help of the Fire Dynamics Simulator and a script to emulate and visualize burn down propagation. The game featured three levels to respond to school fire rubber regulations and was evaluated past uncomplicated school teachers (N = 33) in Greece. A comparative quantitative study was conducted with experimental and control groups. The results indicate that the VR serious game is appropriate for training, providing challenge, enjoyment, and mastery. Full article
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